Thursday, July 3, 2014

Write your perception about good/bad using of facebook

      Social media, one of the issue for today’s generation. One of these social medias is the facebook. Is facebook good or bad? Well, there are always two sides of everything; it depends on your perspective on how you perceive it. The same goes for facebook, most people admire it as a revolutionary invention and some seem to take it as a negative impact on the society.

-Friends and Relations:
      Facebook started as a place to connect with your friends in an easy and convenient way. Truly speaking, many of you might have found your old friends from school or college who were out of touch due to one reason or other, well I would say I have and I thank social networks for this specifically facebook. Facebook has provided us the opportunity to connect with people and build better relationships with friends with whom we are unable to meet personally, and let them know about our life and share about their lives and events happening with them.
-Reducing Communication Barriers:
     With this social networking sites we are able to communicate our thoughts and perceptions over different topics with a large number of audiences, and raise our voice. The sharing of thoughts available on the facebook makes your opinion about any topic reach huge number of people (even to those who are not on your friends list). We have the option to make groups with people who are like minded and share the related news with them and ask for their opinion or input about the topic. And simply building a relationship with people.
     Facebook is one of the ways on having opportunities like in business, for example, those online business (cloth line, foods and many more) in just posting pictures with details in facebook people can now buy or sale things they want. An online business.
     As a student an important benefit of having or using this facebook is the ability of facebook to make students feel socially connected, with a greater sense of community. This can be beneficial in boosting students’ self-esteem.
  But aside from this good/advantage of having or using facebook, there’s also bad/disadvantage. As we have also seen in the news, facebook can also have a negative effect on emotional health when abused by cyberbullies. Another is many students having lower grades from their tests because when they were studying they were checking their facebook instead of practicing for their tests that they have to practice. It change mindsets, with facebook, people think that wearing new clothes, taking photos is the ultimate goal. It has distracted them from main purpose in life and turned them into insensitive zombies, and fakers. No one cares about reality anymore. It makes people jealous and makes them followers.
     People have forgotten what's truly important in life. We live in a sad, sad world when it's more important to read about what total strangers are having for dinner, what they may or may not be doing in their "real lives", where they may or may not be on vacation, etc. than it is to sit and have a face to face conversation with your spouse/family/friends. Wake up people!!!! And realize what's truly important in life....Before you look back and realize it's too late.

    I believe facebook change the world. It opened a new way of communication. If we use facebook like how it intended to be used it will bring lots of opportunities and advantages. But if we uses it for our own stupid ideas like blackmailing someone then it will cause a lot of trouble. Remember that anything that is too much/abuse is bad.