Wednesday, July 2, 2014

How will you bridge the gap of the students in the future generation, the generation y & z?

     There’s really a big gap between generation y and generation z. We can consider the parents and our grandparents belong this generation y and we are belong to the generation z. But how will I bridge this gap?

     First is, there’s a need to have understanding, acceptance and being open minded both for the people in generation y and z. For me to be able to bridge this gap, I will understand the difference of their way of life, accept the truth that some people in generation y don’t understand the situation or the way of life in generation z, and being open minded to whatever changes might happened. 

     Communication is very important, trying to explain and even teach them the way of life that generation z has. Never let them feel that they are not belong to generation z, give them the feeling that they can also experience the things that is in the present. Introduced to them the technologies that are really helpful in everyday living and teach them how to used it step by step so that the generation y will understand now the situation why people in generation z have different ideas and actions, until it seems to be no gap between the generation y and z. People must be flexible in ideas and actions to keep up with generation swift moving current.

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