Thursday, July 3, 2014

Create through graphic art illustration on 6 digital skills. Discuss each.


Solution Fluency is the ability to think creatively to solve problems in real time by clearly defining the problem, designing an appropriate solution, delivering the solution and then evaluating the process and the outcome. This is about whole-brain thinking—creativity and problem solving applied on-demand “Strategic and capable” means that digital literacy is about more than exposure, knowledge and low levels of competence. It means that students need choices, toolboxes and opportunities to evaluate relevant resources. This is what I call “solution fluency.” Students  need to go well beyond digital and technological literacy and be fluent in our modern learning landscapes. This particular fluency is the most crucial of all the fluencies. It is the basis of every other Fluency, and its stages can be found within the processes for each. The 6Ds of Solution Fluency are designed to be a cyclical process as opposed to a linear one, and mirror well-known practices such as the scientific method, and the processes for writing and media development.

Creativity Fluency is the process by which artistic proficiency adds meaning through design, art, and storytelling. It is about using innovative design to add value to the function of a product though its form.

Collaboration Fluency is team working proficiency that has reached the unconscious ability to work cooperatively with virtual and real partners in an online environment to solve problems and create original products.
With marketplaces operating on a global level and virtual communication bridging the geographical distances between us, this is an increasingly important skill for our students to develop. This is a parallel process to Solution Fluency. In fact, it’s easiest to think of it as Solution Fluency in a team environment. The major difference is the focus in the first phase, where much of the framework for the collective is established.

There are two components of Media Fluency.  Firstly, the ability to look analytically at any communication to interpret the real message, and evaluate the efficacy of the chosen medium. Secondly, to create original communications by aligning the message and audience though the most appropriate and effective medium. 

Information Fluency is the ability to unconsciously and intuitively interpret information in all forms and formats in order to extract the essential knowledge, authenticate it, and perceive its meaning and significance. The data can then be used to complete real-world tasks and solve real-world problems effectively.

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