Friday, July 4, 2014

4 A's Lesson Plan with ICT integration


I. Objectives:

              At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:

             • Distinguish what is riddle;

             • Appreciate the importance of riddle; and

             • Compose riddle from given stimuli (realia/pictures).

II. Subject Matter

  • Riddle
           • PELC, page 18, W. 9
             Fun in English 4( Language) pages 73, 214

          • Pictures of animals, riddles, USB, Laptop, LCD

  Value Focus 
          • Conserving Wildlife

IV. Strategies ( 4 A’s)

A. Activities

1. Motivation
Singing of a song.
Have you gone to the zoo? What animals are found there?
Show the picture of a zoo. Let the pupils name the animals in 
the picture.

Activity 1:
Here is a riddle for you. Listen carefully. After I read the riddle twice, answer the questions about it.

I am taller than an elephant. I have brown spots. I am the tallest animal in the zoo. I don’t climb the trees to eat the leaves. I have the longest neck among all animals. What am I?

1. What animal is in the riddle?
2. What clues helped you guess the animal?
3. What does this animal eat?
4. What color of the spots has it?
5. Where can you find this animal?

Value Infusion: What can you do to protect the animals?

Activity 2
Find a partner in the class. 

Make a riddle by describing an animal in the picture and let your partner answer it.

Activity 3: Group activity

Read the following riddles and give the answer:
1. It can jump. It can croak. It has a long sticky tongue. What is it?
2. I live in water. I have fins and scale. I can swim. What am I?
3. I have black horns longer than your finger. My skin is black and tight. I am the beast of burden. What am I?
4. As I was going St. Ives, I met a man with seven wives;
Every wife had seven cats, every cat had seven kittens.
Kittens, cats and wives. How many were going to St. Ives?

B. Analysis
A. Analyze the riddle in the chart. How does each sentence begin? 
What found at the end of each sentence? 
What kind of words are used to help us give the answer?

B. Discuss the following guidelines in writing a riddle:
1: Begin each sentence with capital letter.
2: End each statement with a period.
3: End the question with a question mark.

C. Abstraction 
. A riddle is a secret, a puzzle, a brain twister. It is a guessing game.
. In writing a riddle, clues are given to help the reader guessing the 

D. Application 

a. In your group write a riddle about one of the given pictures.
b. Trade your riddle to the other groups and let them answer it 


Compose your own riddle. Choose any object in the pictures below or anything you see around for your riddle. 


Draw an object and make a riddle about it in a piece of paper

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Create through graphic art illustration on 6 digital skills. Discuss each.


Solution Fluency is the ability to think creatively to solve problems in real time by clearly defining the problem, designing an appropriate solution, delivering the solution and then evaluating the process and the outcome. This is about whole-brain thinking—creativity and problem solving applied on-demand “Strategic and capable” means that digital literacy is about more than exposure, knowledge and low levels of competence. It means that students need choices, toolboxes and opportunities to evaluate relevant resources. This is what I call “solution fluency.” Students  need to go well beyond digital and technological literacy and be fluent in our modern learning landscapes. This particular fluency is the most crucial of all the fluencies. It is the basis of every other Fluency, and its stages can be found within the processes for each. The 6Ds of Solution Fluency are designed to be a cyclical process as opposed to a linear one, and mirror well-known practices such as the scientific method, and the processes for writing and media development.

Creativity Fluency is the process by which artistic proficiency adds meaning through design, art, and storytelling. It is about using innovative design to add value to the function of a product though its form.

Collaboration Fluency is team working proficiency that has reached the unconscious ability to work cooperatively with virtual and real partners in an online environment to solve problems and create original products.
With marketplaces operating on a global level and virtual communication bridging the geographical distances between us, this is an increasingly important skill for our students to develop. This is a parallel process to Solution Fluency. In fact, it’s easiest to think of it as Solution Fluency in a team environment. The major difference is the focus in the first phase, where much of the framework for the collective is established.

There are two components of Media Fluency.  Firstly, the ability to look analytically at any communication to interpret the real message, and evaluate the efficacy of the chosen medium. Secondly, to create original communications by aligning the message and audience though the most appropriate and effective medium. 

Information Fluency is the ability to unconsciously and intuitively interpret information in all forms and formats in order to extract the essential knowledge, authenticate it, and perceive its meaning and significance. The data can then be used to complete real-world tasks and solve real-world problems effectively.

How will you prepare yourself as future digital teacher?

         I’m lucky that I’m able to reach this generation, experiencing and even using technologies for everyday living, and as a means of instruction in presenting my lesson since I am an education student. So for me to be more prepared and knowledgeable in using these medias or technologies especially in teaching in the future, I should not stop learning and developing my skills on how to use and to apply this as part of the teaching-learning process.

Illustrate in a chart differentiating the past 30 years old generation and the new digital generation. Explain

Past 30 years
New Digital Generation

·        Students scan and have their books for reference or research. Research was a physical act.

·        Personal or face-to-face relationship.

·        Children playing games with their friends in the field.

·        Teachers have their traditional instructional materials (cartolina, manila paper, chalk) in presenting the lesson.

·        Teachers compute and write or record grades of the students manually.

·        People communicate using telegrams and letters.

·        More conservative in the way they dressed up.

·        Students have their laptops and computers with them in browsing in the internet for reference or research. In just a few clicks away they can get what they are looking for.
·        Screen-to-screen relationship.

·        Computer games are the constant companions, and best friends and become the field for many of this generation’s children.

·        Teachers used technologies as their instructional materials like powerpoint presentation in presenting their lesson.

·        Teachers used Excel for computing and recording grades of the students.

·        People communicate using social media in the internet and mobile phones.

·        Less conservative.

     This generation operates at what Marc Prensky describes as “twitch speed”. A lot of changes happened, not just for the things we’ve used but also the moral values and attitudes brought by these technologies. The way we live our lives is affected by these changes. People who were born 30 years ago are trying to cope with these changes. Learning the new technologies step by step and also applying it with their lives today. With regards to its advantages, in the field of teaching, the topics can be clearly presented and understood with the use of different computer programs.

      For the students, learning now can be easier or possible to attain because of the wide range of information in the internet and a new way of motivating students by using instructional media in presenting the lesson. But on the negative side, students and teachers can be misguided by its ideologies. Instead of being an agent of positive change, it has become a barrier ever since the computer games and social networking have overlapped the boundaries. For many of the people 30 years ago and our generation today, there was an amazing rhythm, and predictability to life. 

      Change was something that happened, but it seemed to happen slowly. And it wasn’t just that life was predictable - our lives were also much simpler. Nevertheless, the evil and good side of technology all depends on man. He has the power to control the technology or be controlled by it.

Write your perception about good/bad using of facebook

      Social media, one of the issue for today’s generation. One of these social medias is the facebook. Is facebook good or bad? Well, there are always two sides of everything; it depends on your perspective on how you perceive it. The same goes for facebook, most people admire it as a revolutionary invention and some seem to take it as a negative impact on the society.

-Friends and Relations:
      Facebook started as a place to connect with your friends in an easy and convenient way. Truly speaking, many of you might have found your old friends from school or college who were out of touch due to one reason or other, well I would say I have and I thank social networks for this specifically facebook. Facebook has provided us the opportunity to connect with people and build better relationships with friends with whom we are unable to meet personally, and let them know about our life and share about their lives and events happening with them.
-Reducing Communication Barriers:
     With this social networking sites we are able to communicate our thoughts and perceptions over different topics with a large number of audiences, and raise our voice. The sharing of thoughts available on the facebook makes your opinion about any topic reach huge number of people (even to those who are not on your friends list). We have the option to make groups with people who are like minded and share the related news with them and ask for their opinion or input about the topic. And simply building a relationship with people.
     Facebook is one of the ways on having opportunities like in business, for example, those online business (cloth line, foods and many more) in just posting pictures with details in facebook people can now buy or sale things they want. An online business.
     As a student an important benefit of having or using this facebook is the ability of facebook to make students feel socially connected, with a greater sense of community. This can be beneficial in boosting students’ self-esteem.
  But aside from this good/advantage of having or using facebook, there’s also bad/disadvantage. As we have also seen in the news, facebook can also have a negative effect on emotional health when abused by cyberbullies. Another is many students having lower grades from their tests because when they were studying they were checking their facebook instead of practicing for their tests that they have to practice. It change mindsets, with facebook, people think that wearing new clothes, taking photos is the ultimate goal. It has distracted them from main purpose in life and turned them into insensitive zombies, and fakers. No one cares about reality anymore. It makes people jealous and makes them followers.
     People have forgotten what's truly important in life. We live in a sad, sad world when it's more important to read about what total strangers are having for dinner, what they may or may not be doing in their "real lives", where they may or may not be on vacation, etc. than it is to sit and have a face to face conversation with your spouse/family/friends. Wake up people!!!! And realize what's truly important in life....Before you look back and realize it's too late.

    I believe facebook change the world. It opened a new way of communication. If we use facebook like how it intended to be used it will bring lots of opportunities and advantages. But if we uses it for our own stupid ideas like blackmailing someone then it will cause a lot of trouble. Remember that anything that is too much/abuse is bad.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Do you support the information technology evolution? How?

       As a product of this generation, a user and as an individual who benefit from these technologies, yes, I will support this IT evolution. Humans were given capable minds so they endlessly seek better ways of doing things. In continue using information technologies in studying, reaching out people in other places for socialization and in other ways in life, by simply doing this I am showing support for this information technology in its evolution. But we must always remember that we must use and support this IT in a good way so that we don’t have nothing to regret in the future.

How will you bridge the gap of the students in the future generation, the generation y & z?

     There’s really a big gap between generation y and generation z. We can consider the parents and our grandparents belong this generation y and we are belong to the generation z. But how will I bridge this gap?

     First is, there’s a need to have understanding, acceptance and being open minded both for the people in generation y and z. For me to be able to bridge this gap, I will understand the difference of their way of life, accept the truth that some people in generation y don’t understand the situation or the way of life in generation z, and being open minded to whatever changes might happened. 

     Communication is very important, trying to explain and even teach them the way of life that generation z has. Never let them feel that they are not belong to generation z, give them the feeling that they can also experience the things that is in the present. Introduced to them the technologies that are really helpful in everyday living and teach them how to used it step by step so that the generation y will understand now the situation why people in generation z have different ideas and actions, until it seems to be no gap between the generation y and z. People must be flexible in ideas and actions to keep up with generation swift moving current.